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How Community Involvement Can Benefit Your Company


When we say “Doing it Right Matters,” we mean in roofing, business practice, and in serving the community around us. Core Roofing + Solar feels that it is important to be involved in, and give back to, the communities we live in. Each person or group we have been associated with has helped shape who we are as individuals as well as who we are as a company. Here at Core, each team member is encouraged to choose a non-profit of his or her choice and give back by volunteering a paid work day each quarter.

Are you wondering how to implement a community involvement program in your company or why  it’s important?  As a company, and as individuals, you’ll need a “why”. If money isn’t the motivator, you need other factors to keep yourselves happy and engaged as volunteers. Here are some factors you’ll want to consider as you explore the idea or begin to motivate your team toward the goal.

Find a cause or group of people that you care about, make it personal.

Let each individual choose their own non-profit. A cause that has meaning to one person, may not have meaning to another. Share stories and listen, be vulnerable. Perhaps someone has a loved one diagnosed with cancer, or a brother struggling with addiction, or a passion for seeing young people graduate, or for encouraging literacy in at risk youth. Use it as an opportunity to get to know your team outside of their daily roles at work.

Utilize underdeveloped skills and learn new ones.

Sure, volunteerism often involves a form of self-sacrifice, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also have tangible benefits. Encourage team members to do a personal inventory of their strengths or potential areas of growth and find an organization where they can further develop both.

Build empathy, become a healthier team.

Putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes doesn’t just sound nice, studies show that empathy actually improves our health. First, it connects us to others in deep and meaningful ways which boosts mental health and results in happier employees with higher productivity. Second, empathy promotes abilities that help us handle stress. Emotion regulation is the ability to take in the experiences of others without being overwhelmed. This skill is imperative to de-stressing ourselves and to relating to others, inside and outside of work, in positive ways.

Change someone’s life, change your own.

We all know that even the smallest act of kindness can change the entire trajectory of someone’s life. However, we often underestimate how much it can change our own. If you’re looking for ways to spark more joy and meaning in your life or company culture, the best way to find it is to focus on implanting joy into someone else’s story.

Find the perfect volunteer opportunity for your company at Choose between 29 different volunteer fields ranging from literacy mentoring, homelessness/food banks, animals, children/youth, and technology. The site even allows you to pick between options for on location or virtual volunteering.

Below are a few of the non-profits our team members have chosen to be a part of. We are excited to continue this endeavor for years to come.

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